Friday, May 20, 2011

M.U.S.C.L.E.S [ Pectoral Region & Back Muscles]

M.U.S.C.L.E.S [ Pectoral Region & Back Muscles]

Pectoralis Major
1. Sternocostal head: from the front of sternum & upper 6 costal cartilages
2. Clavicular head: from the front of medial half of the clavicle
1. Lateral lip of bicipital groove of humerus
1. Medial pectoral nerve
2. Lateral pectoral nerve
1. Flexion of arm
2. Adduction of arm
3. Medial rotation
4. Respiratory accessory muscle
5. climbing & swimming
Pectoralis Minor
3rd, 4th & 5th ribs near the costochondral junctions
1. Coracoid processes of scapula (medial aspect)
1. Medial pectoral nerve
1. Protraction of scapula
2. Depression of the shoulder
3. Accessory inspiratory muscle
1st rib and its costal cartilage
1. Clavicle (groove on the inferior surface)
1. nerve to subclavius [C5,C6]
1. Steadies the clavicle
2. Fixes clavicle to 1st rib
1. External occipital protuberance
2. Medial third of the superior nuchal line  of occipital bone
3. ligamentum nuchae + spinous processes of C7
4. Spinous processes of ALL thoracic vertebrae
1. Posterior border of the lateral third of clavicle
2. Medial margin of acromion
3. superior lip of posterior border of the spine of scapula

1. Spinal part of accessory nerve ( CN XI)
2. Ventral rami of C3, C4 – carries proprioception sensation
1. Elevates shoulder (upper fibers)
2. Depress scapula (lower fibers)
3. Rotate scapula so glenoid cavity faces upwards (upper & lower fibers)
4. Retract scapula (middle fibers)
Latissimus Dorsi
1. Spinous processes of T7-T12 & supraspinous ligament
2. thoracolumbar fascia
3. outer lip of iliac crest
4. inferior 3 or 4 ribs
5. inferior angle of scapula
1. floor of bicipital groove of the humerus
1. T (nerve to latissmus dorsi) (C6,C7,C8)

1. Adduction of arm
2. Extension of arm
3. Medial rotation of arm
Levator Scapulae
1. Tranverse processes of C1-C4

1. Medial border of dorsal surface of scapula from the superior angle to the spine
1. Dorsal scapular nerve (C5)
1. Elevation of scapula
Rhomboidus Minor
1. Nuchal ligaments (C5,C6)
2. spinous processes of C7 to T11
1. Small area of medial border of dorsal surface of scapula at level of spine

1. Dorsal scapular nerve (C5)

1. Retraction of scapula
2. Rotation of scapula > glenoid cavity faces downwards
Rhomboidus Major
1. Spinous processes of the T2 – T5

1.Medial border of scapula, inferior to the insertion of rhomboid minor
1. Dorsal scapular nerve (C5)
1. Retraction of scapula
2. Rotation of scapula > glenoid cavity faces downwards


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