Lancement de Batch (LDB)

Alexandria Caliph of Endeavor

Pengenalan Organisasi Batch 14/15

Alexandria Caliph of Endeavor

Bakat-bakat ACErs

Alexandria Caliph of Endeavor

Ini Hijrahku

Alexandria Caliph of Endeavor


Alexandria Caliph of Endeavor

Survivor: Alexandria Special (SAS)

Alexandria Caliph of Endeavor

Ambo Datang Buleh? (ADB)

Alexandria Caliph of Endeavor

P.S. I Love You, MOM

Alexandria Caliph of Endeavor

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Lecture Slides on 24th October 2012

24th October 2012


Media fire >>>>>>  Click Here!
Scribd >>>>>>>>> Click Here!

Asif Giddan ACE

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Practical Pathology - Goiter

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Lecture Slides on 16th October 2012

16th October 2012

Lecture 16 - Belum ada [Patho]Disease of Thyroid Gland & Goiter
Practical 4 - Belum ada slides untuk [Phatology]Goiter

Monday, October 15, 2012

Lecture Slides on 15th October 2012

15th October 2012

Lecture slide untuk hari ini beserta slide practical bagi section yang ada practical.

Lecture 14 - [Pharmaco]Therapeutics uses of Pituitary Hormones
Lecture 15 - [Physio]Abnormalities of Thyroid Hormone
Practical 3 - [Practical]Histology of Pituitary & Thyroid

**Selamat Study

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Lecture Slides on 14th October 2012

14th October 2012

Lecture 12 - [Histology]Thyroid & Parathyroid 
Lecture 13 - [Physio]Function & Regulation of Thyroid & Parathyroid

**Selamat Study. 

Lecture Slides on 13th October 2012

Minta maaf atas kelewatan untuk upload slide semalam..
Di sini ada di sediakan "download link" untuk setiap lecture serta practical.

13th October 2012

Lecture 10 [Physio]Function & Regulation of Post. PG
Lecture 11 Anatomy of Development of Thyroid & Parathyroid Gland
Practical 1[Practical]Abnormalities of P.G
Practical 1[Practical]Questions

Juga di sediakan slide Physiology.

Lecture 1[Physio]Introduction
Lecture 5 [Physio]Function & Regulation of Ant. PG 
Lecture 8 [Physio]Abnormalities of Ant. PH

**Maaf atas kelewatan. Selamat Study

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Tahniah diucapkan kepada SR-SR yang baru dilantik daripada kami pihak MT ACE.
Selamat bertugas dengan baik serta selamat bekerjasama! 

Semoga Akademik ACE tahun ini akan lebih baik dan mantap daripada sebelum ini.


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Lecture Slide on 09th October 2012

09th October 2012

1. Tiada Slide untuk [Histology]Pituitary Gland 
2. Tiada Slide untuk [Physiology]Funciton & Regulation of APH

3.(081012)Lecture 2 - [Biochemistry]Mechanism of Action 1 
4.(101012)Lecture 7 - [Biochemistry]Mechanism of Action 2

NEW SR 2012/2013

Are we still need the old one or the new one? 
Jom! sama-sama pilih SR group kita.
Pilihan di tangan anda! 

Monday, October 8, 2012

Maaf atas kesulitan.

Welcome Back!

Assalamualaikum wbt.

Selamat Kembali ke Alexandria , serta selamat menghadapi Semester Baru , Tahun Baru serta Azam Baru!
Untuk pengetahuan rakan-rakan ACE , semester 5 kita sudah pun bermula pada 07 Oktober 2012 (Ahad).
Bagi yang masih tidak tahu , tahun ini kita tidak menggunakan module , tetapi pihak universiti telah mengeluarkan buku bagi setiap subject (eg: Physiology , Histology , Biochemistry dll. ) dan boleh didapati di setiap department di Mouassah dan Darul Elm. 

Download link untuk Jadual Endocrine System
Download link untuk  [Anatomy]Pituitary Gland

Selamat BerAZAM BARU, semoga Tahun ini satu Batch ACE 2010-2016 Cemerlang , Amin Ya Rabb :)